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20 June 2006 Working for Change: Making a Career in International Public Service :Download
Author: Derick W. Brinkerhoff , Jennifer M. Brinkerhoff
Price: $ 23.95
English Paperback, 222 pages
Published May 2006 by Kumarian Press

In Working for Change, Derick and Jennifer Brinkerhoff explore career paths in international public service, focusing on development management positions. They offer practical and inspiring guidance on finding the right mix of public service objectives, degree programs, job opportunities, and personal lifestyle choices.
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20 June 2006 Aid that Works : Successful Development in Fragile States :Download
Author: World Bank, James Manor
Price: $ 30.00!
English 400 pages
Published July 2006

Research in recent years on aid effectiveness shows that significant obstacles in fragile states - insecurity, poor governance and weak implementation capacity - usually prevent aid from achieving the desired results in these environments. This study investigates the attributes and effectiveness of donor-supported programmes and projects that worked well under difficult conditions in fragile states.
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20 June 2006 Moving Mountains: The Race to Treat Global AIDS :Download
Author: Anne-Christine D'Adesky
Price: $ 23.00
English Paperback 496 pages
Published July 2006 by Verso

In dispatches written from around the world, Anne-christine d'Adesky reports on the greatest challenge facing us today: the global effort to provide life-saving medicines and care to 40 million people living with HIV and AIDS in resource-poor countries, the great majority in sub-Saharan Africa.
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20 June 2006 Escaping Poverty's Grasp: The Environmental Foundations of Poverty Reduction :Download
Author: David Reed
Price: $ 39.95
English Paperback 224 pages
Published July 2006 by Earthscan

Despite decades of poverty reduction plans, international campaigns by governments and charities alike, poverty is persistent and environmental degradation is accelerating. Though there have been some improvements little has worked to create real economic and ecological opportunities for the poor.
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28 March 2006 Evaluating Public Participation in Policy Making. :Download
Author: Editor: Joanne Caddy
This book reviews the theory and practice of evaluating public participation in policy making based upon the current experience of OECD countries. :Add Comment
27 March 2006 Why did the chicken cross the road? And other stories on development evaluation.... :Download
Author: IOB Policy and Operations Evaluation Department of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Euforic and KIT.
This new book contains the 11 articles which have appeared or will be appearing on the Euforic website over the 2001-2006 period as individual issues of the Aid Evaluation Dossier. The 11 articles have been written by leading experts and thinkers in this field, and provide varying perspectives on this rapidly changing context.
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17 March 2006 RealWorld Evaluation: Working Under Budget, Time, Data, and Political Constraints :Download
Author: Michael Bamberger, Jim Rugh, Linda Mabry
RealWorld Evaluation addresses the challenges of conducting evaluations where there is not enough money, time, or data – but methodologically sound findings are still needed – and where politics makes the job of the evaluator harder. :Add Comment
16 March 2006 Practicing Evaluation: A Collaborative Approach :Download
Author: Rita G. O'Sullivan.
Paperback 200 pages
Publisher: Sage Publications Ltd
Language: English
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16 March 2006 Institutionnaliser l’évaluation des politiques publiques. :Download
Author: Peter Lang
Étude comparée des dispositifs en Belgique, en France, en Suisse et aux Pays-Bas. :Add Comment
16 March 2006 Tools for Public Sector Evaluations :Download
Author: Edited by Anwar Shah
Price: $ 35.00
English Paperback 6 x 9 Published December 2005
his book provides tools of analysis to conduct economic evaluation of projects, programs, and policies.
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16 March 2006 Voices for Change: Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation in China :Download
Author: Editors: Ronnie Vernooy, Sun Qiu, Xu Jianchu
Paperback 180 pages
Publisher: International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
Language: English

This book reflects upon the introduction, implementation, and assessment of a PM&E training programme.
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19 January 2006 Agricultural Trade Reform and the Doha Development Agenda :Download
Author: Edited by Kym Anderson , Will Martin
Agricultural trade reform is critical to a favorable development outcome from the Doha Development Agenda. But agricultural policies and the policy reforms being contemplated are fiendishly complicated, and the devil is in the details. :Add Comment
19 January 2006 Poverty and the WTO: Impacts of the Doha Development Agenda :Download
Author: Edited by Thomas W. Hertel , L. Alan Winters
Poverty reduction is deemed to be a centerpiece of the Doha Development Agenda currently being negotiated under the auspices of the WTO. Yet there is considerable debate about the poverty impacts of such an agreement. Some are convinced it will increase poverty, while others are equally convinced that it will lead to poverty reduction. :Add Comment
19 January 2006 Economic Development and Multilateral Trade Cooperation :Download
Author: Edited by Bernard M. Hoekman , Simon J. Evenett
Trade agreements by themselves cannot guarantee growth and poverty reduction: aid for trade and internal reforms are needed too………. :Add Comment
01 November 2005 The Undercover Economist: Exposing Why the Rich Are Rich, the Poor Are Poor - and Why You Can Never Buy a Decent Used Car! :Download
Author: Tim Harford
English Hardback 276 pages
Published November 2005 by Oxford University Press

An economist's version of The Way Things Work, this engaging volume is part field guide to economics and part expose of the economic principles lurking behind daily events, explaining everything from traffic jams to high coffee prices.
The Undercover Economist is for anyone who's wondered why the gap between rich and poor nations is so great, or why they can't seem to find a decent second-hand car, or how to outwit Starbucks. This book offers the hidden story behind these and other questions, as economist Tim Harford ranges from Africa, Asia, Europe, and of course the United States to reveal how supermarkets, airlines, and coffee chains--to name just a few--are vacuuming money from our wallets. Harford punctures the myths surrounding some of today's biggest controversies, including the high cost of health-care; he reveals why certain environmental laws can put a smile on a landlord's face; and he explains why some industries can have high profits for innocent reasons, while in other industries something sinister is going on. Covering an array of economic concepts including scarce resources, market power, efficiency, price gouging, market failure, inside information, and game theory, Harford sheds light on how these forces shape our day-to-day lives, often without our knowing it.
Showing us the world through the eyes of an economist, Tim Harford reveals that everyday events are intricate games of negotiations, contests of strength, and battles of wits. Written with a light touch and sly wit, The Undercover Economist turns "the dismal science" into a true delight.
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01 November 2005 Ideas for Development :Download
Author: Robert Chambers

Price: $ 18.95

English Paperback 259 pages
Published July 2005 by Earthscan

* From one of the 'gurus' of development and author of the best selling Participatory Workshops
* Chock-full of provocative and actionable ideas drawn from four decades of development work and written in Robert Chambers' infectious and highly readable style
Our world seems entangled in systems increasingly dominated by power, greed, ignorance, self-deception and denial, with spiralling inequity and injustice. Against a backdrop of climate change, failing ecosystems, poverty, crushing debt and corporate exploitation, the future of our world looks dire and the solutions almost too monumental to consider.
Yet all is not lost. Robert Chambers, one of the 'glass is half full' optimists of international development, suggests that the problems can be solved and everyone has the power at a personal level to take action, develop solutions and remake our world as it can and should be. Chambers peels apart and analyzes aspects of development that have been neglected or misunderstood. In each chapter, he presents an earlier writing which he then reviews and reflects upon in a contemporary light before harvesting a wealth of powerful conclusions and practical implications for the future. The book draws on experiences from Africa, Asia and elsewhere, covering topics and concepts as wide and varied as irreversibility, continuity and commitment; administrative capacity as a scarce resource; procedures and principles; participation in the past, present and future; scaling up; behaviour and attitudes; responsible wellbeing; and concepts for development in the 21st century.
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01 November 2005 World Atlas of Sustainable Development: Economic, Social and Environmental Data, Fully Updated to 2005 :Download
Author: Anne-Marie Sacquet
Price: $ 19.95
English Paperback 83 pages
Published July 2005 by Anthem Press ISBN: SKU:

* Unique color atlas graphically illustrates the state of the world’s environment and development
The concept of “sustainable development” was first introduced at the time of the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio. It had become clear that existing modes of growth were depleting the planet’s resources while a vast majority of its inhabitants were trapped in poverty. Several thousand associations were represented at Rio when over 170 heads of state signed a plan of action for the 21st century – Agenda 21. Agenda 21 sets out a proposal for sustainable development that combines several goals: presevation of the environment, social equity and economic efficiency. It aims to ensure the well-being of the world’s people without compromising the future of generations to come.
What is the situation midway through the first decade of the new century? How has Agenda 21 been implemented on the ground? What commitments have been made by governments, business and local populations? What shape is the Earth in today? Have living standards improved? Sustainable development efforts attempt to provide answers to such questions using econmics, environmental and human indicators. Thanks to these new sources of information we now know more, for example, about the links between social and ecological inequality.
This Atlas offers “snap shots” of the global situation, supported by socio-economic, geopolitical and environmental data. Topics – including access to education, the gulf between living standards in the North and the South, women’s civil rights, climate change and international solidarity – are presented in the form of thirty succinct presentations accompanied by forty full-colour maps.
This is a clear, concise and attractive reference will appeal to all individuals and organizations concerned about this issue.
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01 November 2005 World Information and Communication for Development Report 2006: Trends and Policies for the Information Society :Download
Author: World Bank
English Paperback
Published November 2005

Information and communication technology (ICT) is rapidly evolving, changing rich and poor societies alike. It has become a powerful tool for participating in the global economy and offering new opportunities for development efforts. It has been 20 years since the first telephone operator was privatized and a little over 10 since the World Wide Web emerged. How have the ICT sector and its role in development evolved? What have we learned? How can we move forward?
The World Information and Communication for Development Report 2006 contains lessons from both developed and developing countries. It examines the roles of the public and private sectors, identifying the challenges and benefits of adopting and expanding ICT use. The report assesses topics essential to building an information society, such as investment and access. It introduces the new World Bank ICT Index, which ranks 144 economies based on key indicators of ICT development. The rankings and indicators enable comparisons both over time and across economies. At-a-glance country tables contain the most recent national data on ICT for 144 economies.
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01 November 2005 The Future of Development Financing: Challenges and Strategic Choices :Download
Author: Francisco Sagasti , Keith Bezanson , Fernando Prada

Price: $ 90.00

English Hardback 238 pages
Published September 2005 by Palgrave Macmillan
Today's international development financing system seems like a collection of disjointed entities that often work at cross purposes without being able to mobilize enough finance for developing countries. This book brings together the vast array of new initiatives in financing mechanisms and proposals to transform the development finance architecture. Based on four different scenarios for the next ten-year period, proposals are made for how to reach an effective system.
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01 November 2005 Hotspots Revisited: Earth's Biologically Richest and Most Endangered Terrestrial Ecoregions :Download
Author: Russell A. Mittermeier , Norman Myers , Patricio Robles Gil , Cristina Goettsch Mittermeier

Price: $ 65.00
Hardback 392 pages
Published August 2005 by University of Chicago Press ISBN: SKU:

For decades, Conservation International has devoted itself not only to saving endangered regions on the planet but also to chronicling, in lavish volumes, the biodiversity of these areas. These volumes, according to Choice, are"a superbly produced . . . source of hard-to-find information on biodiversity, biogreography, and conservation."
Hotspots Revisited continues this rich tradition, drawing on the organization's continuing work to identify, research, and document biologically diverse yet dangerously threatened regions. The first Hotspots volume identified twenty-five endangered regions; Hotspots Revisited reveals an astonishing nine additional areas, from Melanesia to northern Mexico, that now meet the same criteria.
Hotspots Revisited presents the most up-to-date analyses of the ecology of these endangered areas—including new information on freshwater fish and other animal populations. But the heart of the volume is in the hundreds of vibrant color photographs of the animals and plants under threat. Magnificent in conception and flawless in execution, Hotspots Revisited is equally at home on a scientist's shelf or an ecotourist's coffee table.
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26 September 2005 Quality Matters: Seeking Confidence in Evaluating, Auditing and Performance reporting :Download
Author: Robert Schwartz and John Mayne
Information – regular, systematic, reliable – is the life-blood of democracy and the fuel of effective management. Surely today there is no problem with information, for this is the age of information overload. It pours onto our computer screens and out of our printers. Indeed, many governments claim, often with some justification, to be more open and transparent than ever before. But what if the life-blood is contaminated, or the fuel polluted? Then the body politic sickens and the engine of public management runs rough. It is the vital issue of the quality of the information we receive that this book addresses.

ISBN: (cloth) 2004.
$59.95 Transaction publishers

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26 September 2005 Can Governments Learn? Comparative Perspectives on Evaluation and Organisational Learning :Download
Author: Frans L Leeuw, Ray C Rist, Richard C Sonnichsen, Editors
This book examines organisational learning in the public sector. It seeks to understand the role policy and program evaluation information can play in helping governments learn. Among the democratic societies studied are Belgium, Canada, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the United States. Significantly, the studies documented here show that the concept of organisational learning has vitality and applicability cross-nationally.

ISBN: (paper) 2000.
$24.95 Transaction publishers
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26 September 2005 Building Effective Evaluation Capacity: Lessons from Practice :Download
Author: Richard Boyle and Donald Lemaire, Editors
In the 1960s, policy and program evaluation was used to improve government programs and enhance monitoring. In the 70s and 80s, evaluation was refined as a tool of accountability, via the budgetary process, to assess government performance against standards and objectives. This book draws upon 3 decades of experience and observation to derive prescriptive lessons. A wealth of illustrative case studies of good practice highlight the book. Rather than proposing a single model for evaluation capacity development, this comparative approach allows readers o apply the findings to their own circumstances.

ISBN: (cloth) 1999.
$32.95 Transaction publishers

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26 September 2005 Carrots, Sticks and Sermons: Policy Instruments and their Evaluation :Download
Author: Marie-Louise Bemelmans-Videc, Ray C Rist, and Evert Vedung, Editors
This offers a comprehensive analysis of categories and typologies of policy instruments. It classifies sticks, carrots and sermons – or more specifically, regulation, economic means and information. Readers are offered a comparative perspective of evaluation practice in foreign contexts. Special attention is paid to examples of Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium. England, Canada, the United States, and Korea.

ISBN: (paper) 2003.
$29.95 Transaction publishers

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26 September 2005 Monitoring Performance in the Public Sector: Future Directions from International Experience :Download
Author: John Mayne and Eduardo Zapico-Goni, Editors

Derived from comparative analysis in different countries, it explains why there is interest in performance monitoring in a given setting, why it has failed or created uncertainties, and identifies criteria for improving its design and use. One of the challenges this book offers is the need to consider dimensions of performance beyond the traditional ones of economy, efficiency and effectiveness.

ISBN: (cloth) 1997.
$39.95 Transaction publishers
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26 September 2005 Politics and Practices of Intergovernmental Evaluation :Download
Author: Olaf Rieper and Jacques Toulemonde, Editors
This is a landmark work in the area of the evaluation of intergovernmental policies, programs and projects. Comparative and cross-national in its perspectives, the material presented here not only provides a systematic theoretical and empirical treatment of intergovernmental evaluation, but does so with case material from 7 nations and the European Union.

ISBN: (cloth) 1996.
$34.95 Transaction publishers

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26 September 2005 Program Evaluation and the Management of Government: Patterns and Prospects across Eight Nations :Download
Author: Ray C Rist, Editor
This detailed account of the organisation and use of evaluation in 8 western, democratic countries shows how evaluation functions at different levels of development. Focusing on the national or federal level of government, it presents a systematic and comparative view of 8 nations at different stages of the development, institutionalisation and utilisation of evaluations.

ISBN: (paper) 1999.
$24.95 Transaction publishers
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26 September 2005 From Studies to Streams: Managing Evaluative Systems :Download
Author: Ray C Rist and Nicoletta Stame, Editors
In this twelfth volume in the series, authors from 14 nations address issues from multiple vantage points. The current era is characterised by the emergence of an increasingly global set of pressures for governments to perform effectively, not just efficiently, and to demonstrate that their performance is producing desired results. Information technology allows enormous quantities of information to be stored, sorted, analysed and made available at little or no cost. The result for those in the evaluation community is that, while individual evaluations are still conducted and reported upon, they are a rapidly diminishing source of information. In the new environment, ever accelerating political and organisational demands and expectations are reframing thinking about the definition of what constitutes evaluation and what we understand as its applications.

ISBN: (cloth) 2005.
340 pp. $59.95
Transaction publishers
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26 September 2005 Collaboration in Public Services: The Challenge for Evaluation :Download
Author: Andrew Gray, Bill Jenkins, Frans Leeuw, & John Mayne, Editors
The International Group for Policy and Program Evaluation (INTEVAL) serves as a forum for scholars and practitioners of public policy to discuss ideas and developments as a community dedicated to enhancing the contribution of evaluation to government. From the Group’s studies has emerged a concern with the impact of public management reforms. Collaboration in Public Services examined collaboration in the delivery of public policies and identifies the challenge for policy and program evaluation. Written by a mix of academics, program managers, evaluators and auditors, this volume explores the forms and challenges of collaboration in different national contexts.

ISBN: (cloth) 2003.
$49.95 Transaction publishers

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26 September 2005 Budgeting, Auditing and Evaluation: Functions and Integration in Seven Governments :Download
Author: Andrew Gray, Bill Jenkins, and Bob Segsworth, Editors
“An effort to study these three functions simultaneously is unique….The editors offer empirical and theoretical conclusion regarding linkage of the three functions in different nations and suggest conditions under which integration might be facilitated.” - M Khademian, Choice

As governments the world over work to sustain public policy and develop much needed policy initiatives, there is increasing need for better budgetary management and sound evaluation of both past and prospective policies. This book presents in-depth, comparative examinations of budgetary processes in seven major western governments.

ISBN: (Paper) 2001. 152 pp. $24.95 Transaction publishers

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26 September 2005 Public Policy and Program Evaluation :Download
Author: Evert Vedung
Evaluation is a controversial and little understood strategy of public governance, control, and decision-making. Public policy and program evaluation is a recent addition to the great chain of attempts to use the brainpower of scholars and scientists to further the interests of the state. Evaluation is the process of distinguishing the worthwhile from the worthless, the precious from the useless; Evaluation implies looking backward in order to be able to steer forward better.

ISBN: (paper) 2000.
336pp. $29.95
Transaction publishers

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02 June 2005 The End of Poverty: Growing Prosperity in an Age of Extremes :Download
Author: Jeffrey D. Sachs
Marrying vivid eyewitness storytelling to his laserlike analysis, Jeffrey Sachs sets the stage by drawing a vivid conceptual map of the world economy and the different categories into which countries fall. Then, in a tour de force of elegance and compression, he explains why, over the past two hundred years, wealth has diverged across the planet in the manner that it has and why the poorest nations have been so markedly unable to escape the cruel vortex of poverty. The groundwork laid, he explains his methods for arriving, like a clinical internist, at a holistic diagnosis of a country's situation and the options it faces. Rather than deliver a worldview to readers from on high, Sachs leads them along the learning path he himself followed, telling the remarkable stories of his own work in Bolivia, Poland, Russia, India, China, and Africa as a way to bring readers to a broad-based understanding of the array of issues countries can face and the way the issues interrelate. He concludes by drawing on everything he has learned to offer an integrated set of solutions to the interwoven economic, political, environmental, and social problems that most frequently hold societies back. In the end, he leaves readers with an understanding, not of how daunting the world's problems are, but how solvable they are-and why making the effort is a matter both of moral obligation and strategic self-interest. A work of profound moral and intellectual vision that grows out of unprecedented real-world experience, The End of Poverty is a road map to a safer, more prosperous future for the world.
From "probably the most important economist in the world" (The New York Times Magazine), legendary for his work around the globe on economies in crisis, a landmark exploration of the roots of economic prosperity and the path out of extreme poverty for the world's poorest citizens.
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02 June 2005 Electronic Governance and Electronic Democracy: Living and Working in the Wired World :Download
Author: Thomas B. Riley
Edited by Rogers W'O Okot-Uma
Price: $ 19.95
English Paperback 150 pages
Published by Commonwealth Secretariat ISBN: SKU:

This is the first book of its kind on electronic governance (eGovernance) with a developing country regional focus. It presents electronic governance from the standpoint of improving good governance and contributing to a people-centered development in an East African context. Implementation issues under electronic governance are presented within the framework of electronic government (eGovernment), electronic democracy (eDemocracy) and electronic business (eBusiness). The book presents a number of pilot projects and case studies, from which learning experiences may be derived for cascading eGovernance innovations elsewhere. The book responds to calls for timely, authoritative information that will add a great deal of knowledge in efforts by governments worldwide to mitigate the rapidly widening poverty divide by focusing on breaking the digital divide.
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02 June 2005 Investing in Development: A Practical Plan to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals :Download
Author: Edited by Jeffrey D. Sachs
English Paperback 329 pages
Published April 2005 by Earthscan ISBN: SKU:

• The flagship publication of the official 14-volume UN strategy on how to reduce extreme poverty and achieve the fundamental worldwide human development goals for the coming decade
• Project directed by Jeffrey D. Sachs, named one of the 100 most influential people in the world by Time Magazine, current Director of The Earth Institute, Columbia University, and Special Adviser to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan
• The essential reference work for all governments, policymakers, aid and donor agencies, development practitioners, researchers, and students worldwide
Poverty in all of its forms is devastating the lives of billions of people worldwide. In 2000, at the largest ever meeting of world leaders, the UN adopted a comprehensive set of targets known as the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) designed to galvanize world action on poverty. Investing in Development brings together the core recommendations of the UN Millennium Project, commissioned by UN Director-General Kofi Annan and directed by Jeffrey D. Sachs, one of world's leading economists. This landmark publication is the official action plan for ending poverty, providing practical investment strategies and approaches to financing them and an operational framework that will allow even the poorest countries to achieve the MDGs within ten years.
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05 May 2005 METHODS FOR DEVELOPMENT WORK AND RESEARCH: A New Guide for Practitioners (2e) :Download
Author: Britha Mikkelsen
Published 2005
384 Pages
Cloth version

Britha Mikkelsen has recently brought out a new edition of the book which was very well received in its first edition.
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01 March 2005 Ten Steps to a Results-based Monitoring and Evaluation System: a Handbook for Development Practitioners :Download
Author: Jody Zall Kusek and Ray C. Rist
An indispensible guide to Monitoring and Evaluation, with step-by-step instructions for building a successful, results-based system. :Add Comment

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