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The advent of the International Development Evaluation Association (IDEAS), a voluntary, charitable membership based organization, is timely. A new development consensus has emerged, focused on sustained poverty reduction driven by economic growth; the removal of social and structural constraints to economic and human development; reforms that are owned by those who must carry them out; and an intent, especially in the public sector, to manage for results and measure for performance. In parallel, citizens in developing and developed countries alike, expect more efficient, more accountable and more transparent government and public sector programs and projects that have measurably greater development effectiveness than hitherto. Thus there is need to renew old and established evaluation mechanisms to help deliver results to ensure accountability and learn from mistakes.

Our Vision
Development evaluation as an intrinsic part of free, equitable sustainable societies.

Our Mission
To advance and extend the practice of development evaluation by refining methods, strengthening capacity and expanding ownership.

In meeting the challenges of development evaluation IDEAS aim to be:
  • Global – serving development evaluators everywhere;
  • Voluntary – membership, participation and professional contributions are voluntary;
  • Inclusive – membership open to all who are interested in development evaluation.
  • Democratic – elected leadership.
  • Educational – advancing evaluation for the benefit of all through education and training.
  • Pluralistic – encouraging multiple theories, methods, and perspectives;
  • Responsive – assessing and meeting the needs of development evaluators;
  • Participatory – all members encouraged to participate actively.
Our Strategy
To attract committed members world-wide (but particularly from developing countries and transition economies), who will:

· promote development evaluation for results, transparency and accountability in public policy and expenditure;
· give priority to evaluation capacity development (ECD);
· foster the highest intellectual and professional standards in development evaluation;
· refrain from activities that other organisations are better placed to undertake;
· nurture partnerships with like-minded organisations;
· encourage national and regional development evaluation groups.

IDEAS is incorporated, (Company Number ), and is registered in England as charity (Charity Number ).
Its Secretariat is based in South Africa

Our Board Members
The original board of IDEAS was elected in Beijing in September 2002. An annual rotation process results in several new Board members being elected each year.

Marie-Hélène Adrien : President (Canada)
Dr. Adrien is the President and Senior Consultant of a Canadian Consulting firm, Universalia (www.universalia.com) that has specialised over the past 25 years in Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E). Over her career, Marie-Hélène has conducted more than 100 assignments in M&E. She has served for three years on the Board of the Quebec Program evaluation Society and three years on the Board of the Canadian Evaluation Society. Marie-Hélène has published several books on M&E. A Canadian citizen, Marie-Hélène is originally from Haiti and is fluent in French, English and Spanish.

  Denis Jobin:  Vice President (Canada)
Denis has been involved in evaluation-related activities for more than 13 years, having worked for the
Quebec provincial government (department of Industry and Trade) and the Canadian government (in the departments of Health and Environment Canada-(Current)).  In addition, he has a solid experience in performance auditing, having worked for the Office of the Auditor General of Canada (OAGC). He also worked and resided in West Africa .  Denis sponsors the Theory-Based Evaluation discussion group ), and has contributed to and authored several publications related to evaluation.

Roger Slade: Treasurer (United Kingdom)
Roger is a professional economist with over 35 years of experience, including periods of residence in southern and western
Africa and south-east Asia .  He has broad, hands-on experience of development policy and institutional reform especially in agriculture and rural development, poverty, gender and the social
sectors.  He has a specialist knowledge of evaluation methods and practice and is widely published.  

  Khadija Khan:  Secretary (Pakistan)
An economist by training, Khadija has worked for more than a decade in the socio-economic development sector in
and the South Asian region, with a special focus on Development Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Research.  She has worked as General Manager of the Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund and as National Programme Coordinator of ILO's International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour. She has also been involved in Technical and Vocational Training systems evaluation.  Currently, Khadija works as an independent consultant.


Doha Abdelhamid (Egypt)
Doha is Senior Policy Advisor to Egypt’s Minister of Planning, and is also Associate Professor of Finance at the American University in Cairo. She is an economist and a financial and fiscal policy analyst with a proven record in applied technical and strategic management. She has been involved in designing, appraising, obtaining funding, managing, monitoring & evaluating and negotiating agreements with major international donor and development organisations such as the World Bank, IMF, UNDP, EC, and USAID. Doha’s present duties at the Office of the Minister of Finance include both direct management and research duties.


Alejandro Imbach (Costa Rica)
Alejandro has a 6-year university degree in Agronomy, and has his own consulting company, Geolatina S.A, in .  This offers technical assistance and capacity building in planning, monitoring and evaluation of local and regional projects, programmes and organisations related to natural resources management and rural sustainable development. Alejandro has also had international experience in evaluation, working with GEF, IUCN and UNEP.  He currently serves as Professor of Project Design and Evaluation (MSc level) at CATIE Graduate School in


Frédéric Martin (Canada) 
Frédéric has a PhD in Agricultural Economics, and is Co-Founder and Co-president of IDEA International Institute, which has a mission to support governments in the implementation of Result - Based Management (RBM) of public programmes, focusing on sustainable development and poverty reduction.  Frédéric has 23 years of relevant work experience in various countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America . He has worked on a variety of assignments: poverty assessments, classical programme evaluation, impact evaluation, and monitoring and evaluation systems.  He has also held a wide range of academic positions.  

   Murad Mukhtarov (Azerbaidjan)  

Murad has a PhD in mathematical physics, and has worked for more than a decade in the socio-economic development sector in .  He currently has the position of M&E specialist for  two ongoing World Bank Projects there:  the Rehabilitation of Irrigation and Drainage Infrastructure Project (RIDIP) and Irrigation Distribution System and Management Improvement Project (IDSMIP).  He specialises in infrastructure, agricultural and rural development, gender and social sectors, applying modern development evaluation methods (GIS technology, mixed methods for development evaluation, nonlinear regression statistical analysis). 

  Edward Mukooyo (Uganda)
Eddie Mukooyo is Assistant Commissioner of Health Services in Uganda. He is a medical doctor with an additional Masters qualification in Epidemiology and Bio-Statistics. He is an expert in Clinical Services Management, Information Technology and Health Services Management and Policy. He also has a profound interest in improving the management of the public health sector, via development evaluation, good governance, knowledge management and accountability. He has transformed the information culture in Uganda’s health sector by developing the current Health Management Information System.
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Daniel Svoboda  (Czech Republic)
Daniel is a Geologist and Geophysicist by training, with key qualifications in Environmental Impact Assessment, Strategic Environmental Assessment, Eco-Auditing and sustainable development. He is currently Vice-Chair at Development Worldwide (DWW) where his focus is upon international development cooperation and development education, particularly in the fields of project management, appraisal and evaluation, and sustainable development.  He is Vice-Chair of FoRS - the Czech forum for development
cooperation, and is Managing Director of AGSS, an Environmental Monitoring Agency concerned in particular with assessment of environmental hot spots, remediation projects, EIA and SEA. 


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