IDEAS and MES hold successful Impact Evaluation Workshop - 05 May 2008
On April 4th 2008, IDEAS held, in collaboration with the Malaysian Evaluation Society, a very successful workshop on Impact evaluation and aid effectiveness. The workshop attracted more than 60 participants from countries across the world and the region, including donors’ representatives. More than 8 bursaries were granted to individuals who attended the workshop to share their experience and views on the subject of Impact Evaluation.
We would like to thank the MES for its cooperation, and all the particpants for their interest and contribution at the workshop.
The day was opened by IDEAS Vice President Mr. Denis Jobin, followed by MES president Mr. Koshy Thomas and Oumoul Ba Tall, President of IOCE. Our Keynote speaker, Mr. Howard White, head of 3IE, delivered an interesting presentation.
Presentations, and a final report on the proceedings will be soon avalaible on IDEAS web site: stay tuned!!
IDEAS Impact evaluation committee
Denis Jobin Vice president IDEAS
Murad Mukhtarov, Board member, IDEAS
Daniel Svoboda, Board member, IDEAS
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