European Commission: Invitation to Participate in Public Consultation - 29 April 2008
The European Commission has just launched a public consultation on the following subject:
"The EU, Africa and China: Towards trilateral dialogue and cooperation on Africa's peace, stability and sustainable development"
Consultation period: 16/04/2008 to 13/06/2008. All interested organisations and people in Africa, Europe and China are invited to take part in this public consultation which is available on the following web-sites:
The purpose of this consultation is to gather information and opinion from all African, Chinese and European stakeholders i) on the EU proposal to set up a trilateral (Africa-China-EU) dialogue and cooperation notably in the areas of peace and security, infrastructure and sustainable management of natural resources and ii) on possible joint actions to be taken by the EU, its Member States, China and Africa to support it. The consultation document itself provides more information on the rationale of this public consultation and its follow-up.
The European Commission welcomes your valuable contribution.
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