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Job Announcement: Evaluation Consultants, UNDP - 20 March 2007
The UNDP Evaluation Office is seeking consultants to conduct a major evaluation of UNDP’s role in Managing Environment and Energy for Sustainable Development (concept paper attached). This evaluation will commence as soon as possible and the final report is expected by the end of November 2007. The consultants should be recognized experts in fields relevant to sustainable development and have solid experience in evaluation. The team leader must be a senior expert who has previously led comparable initiatives. Excellent writing skills are essential. Working knowledge of other languages in addition to English is a plus. Kindly send expressions of interest and detailed curriculum vitae to Juha Uitto, Senior Evaluation Adviser () preferably by c.o.b. Monday, 26 March 2007.
Rationale and Scope of the Evaluation
The objective of this evaluation is to assess for the first time UNDP’s positioning and contributions to managing environment and energy for sustainable development. The evaluation will be both retrospective and prospective, i.e. taking stock of the past while looking into the future with respect to UNDP’s role in the field, especially with regard to the UN reform process. While taking a longer term perspective on the issue, the evaluation will focus on the period of the past five years since 2002.
Evaluation Questions
The evaluation questions will cover the essential dimensions, namely:
1. Relevance – The rationale for UNDP’s involvement in the field viz. other actors and its own mandate.
2. Effectiveness – Positioning of UNDP’s programmes and whether they have been effective in achieving their results.
3. Efficiency – Use of approaches, partnerships, resources.
4. Sustainability – Whether the results of UNDP’s work have been contributed to sustainable human development and whether they have contributed to lasting change.
The detailed approach and methodology for the evaluation will be defined in at the next stage. Nevertheless, it is foreseen that it will encompass a detailed analysis of the policies and strategies of UNDP in defining its role in managing environment and energy for sustainable development; UNDP positioning and partnerships; UNDP’s global advocacy role; the various approaches taken for upstream policy dialogue, programmes and projects at the global, regional and national levels; and the results of the myriad activities undertaken.
The evaluation will include both an overall research, data collection and analysis component, as well as selected detailed country-level work:
1. Research, data collection and analysis at the central level – In the first instance, a desk analysis that will review documents, including strategy and planning documents and evaluation reports at various levels. The document review will be complemented by interviews of key people at UNDP (BDP, Regional Bureaux, Regional Centres, country offices) and key partner organizations (UNEP, GEF, Regional Commissions). This may be complemented by questionnaire survey.
2. Country studies – A representative sample of countries will be selected based on transparent criteria for either a detailed study involving a country study or for a thorough desk study based on a review of documents and evaluations and interviews with key claimholders. In the full country studies, both qualitative and quantitative approaches will be used. Evaluation methods will include interviews, focus group discussions, key informant interviews, and reviews of key documents, including outcome and project evaluations. Each country study will produce a country report which will also undergo stakeholder validation. Preliminary steps for the selection of countries are laid out in Annex 2.
The fina*l evaluation report will synthesize the conclusions from the components above.
Expected Outputs
The main output will be a final evaluation report, not exceeding 50 pages, excluding annexes. The final evaluation report will synthesize the evidence from all three components of this evaluation. The findings, conclusions and recommendations of the evaluation will be summarized in an Executive Summary that will be presented to the UNDP Executive Board.
There will also be reports from the country studies that will not exceed 40 pages each, not including annexes.
Management and Conduct of the Evaluation
EO will manage the evaluation process. It will provide backstopping support and ensure coordination and liaison with key agencies. The EO task manager will provide overall guidance and assure quality of the evaluation. EO will be responsible for the production of the Evaluation Report and presentation of the same to the Executive Board.
An international team of three consultants selected by EO will undertake the evaluation in close collaboration with the task manager from EO. A researcher/consultant will be hired at EO to support the collection of data and reports, review and analysis. The team leader will work closely with the task manager and will be responsible for drafting of the final report and the executive summary.
An Advisory Panel consisting of five high-level international authorities in sustainable development, environment and evaluation will be established. The Advisory Panel will review the detailed ToR and work plan of the evaluation and provide periodic advice as the evaluation progresses.
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