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29 January 2008 IDEAS Board Member Wins Best Intellectual Scientific Contribution Prize from Al Ahram Foundation :Download
On Saturday 26 January 2008, Dr. Doha Abdelhamid, the Active Egyptian Economic Expert Researcher, Academic and IDEAS Board Member, won Al Ahram Foundation's Regional Prize for Best Intellectual Scientific Contribution on her recently authored book: 'Essays on International Regulatory Competition in Theory and Practice: Experiences and Lessons from the Developed and Developing Financial World.'
02 December 2007 GEF Consulting Opportunity :Download
15 November 2007 MOU on Environmental issues signed :Download
On 21 October 2007, Rob van den Berg, GEF Evaluation Officer Director, and Ismail Serageldin, BA Director and Librarian, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to share knowledge on environmental issues, evaluation of ecologically sustainable development and other activities of mutual benefit.
17 October 2007 IDEAS Participates at seventh annual IPEN Conference :Download
19 September 2007 Climate Change Workshop Registration Form :Download
19 September 2007 Climate Change Workshop: Submission of Papers :Download
19 September 2007 Climate Change Workshop: Information Flyer :Download
01 December 2006 IDEAS Board's Response to the Report on the Independent Evaluation of IDEAS :Download
The independent evaluation of IDEAS, carried out during 2006 by Darcy Vaughan-Games, raised several important issues, to which the IDEAS Board has responded in a brief document.
18 September 2006 M & E Policy for the Social Sector :Download
19 June 2006 Rethinking Development Assistance: Networks for Decentralized Social Learning :Download
Author: David Ellerman, University of California at Riverside
Part I of this document aims to clarify the current debate about development aid. It is hard to have an intelligent debate when the parties have quite different conceptions of the purpose of development assistance.

In Part II, the idea is to first outline the fundamental conundrum of supplying any autonomy-respecting external help to homegrown development, and then to intellectually "recover" Albert Hirschman's approach to development to see how it provided an alternative perspective to the Big Push ideas of yesterday's and today's development planners.

In Part III, the aim is to focus on decentralized social learning about development problems. In a variety of settings, we find that the best scheme for social learning under conditions of uncertainty is that of parallel experimentation, with benchmarking between comparable experiments, and cross-learning between the experiments to ratchet up the performance of the whole group. Benchmarking between parallel experiments using comparable resources provides a better notion of evaluation than the rather bogus notion of evaluation ("impact evaluation") being promoted by some major development agencies.

Finally the conclusion speculates that internet-based technologies provide remarkable new means for autonomy-respecting decentralized social learning from parallel experimentation.
10 May 2006 A Transaction Cost Based Approach to Program Evaluation: Partnership’s Performance Assessment. :Download
Author: Denis Jobin
Partnerships between governments, NGOs and the private sector have become key tools in delivering programs, but evaluators and auditors face very real challenges in attempting to assess their performance. This paper suggests one powerful way of evaluating partnerships: transaction cost economics (TCE). This paper introduces the TC framework, identifies relevant factors affecting partnership performance, and shows how the framework may be applied to assess performance.

09 December 2005 Strengthening Monitoring & Evaluatio Systems :Download
Author: Khadija Khan
The article describes the concept of M&E system and the process through which foundation of an effective M&E system could be laid in development sector organizations. Its main focus is on management rather than technical issues such as M&E tools or research instruments. However, it highlights the need and usefulness of setting M&E standards and automation through MIS for strengthening the M&E system at an advanced stage of system development subject to affordability and capacity.
09 December 2005 Knowledge, Approaches and Practices in Poverty Alleviation :Download
Author: Khadija Khan
The Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF) recently commissioned a study of its nine partner organizations on the theme of poverty entitled Knowledge, Approaches and Practices in Poverty Alleviation, (abbreviated to KAP study ). The main objective of the study was to collect and consolidate field experiences of a diversified group of organizations working across Pakistan in varied economic and socio cultural environment; and draw conclusions to have a better understanding of issues directly related to PPAF’s operations.
21 June 2005 LEAD, a new evaluation method for program and policy levels :Download
Author: Naonobu Minato (Acting Director, International Development Research Institute, FASID)
LEAD (Log-frame Evaluation Application Design), a new evaluation method of program and policy evaluation, was developed by FASID in 2003 . LEAD can be used not only for evaluation but also for aid coordination, and program or project planning. Importantly, LEAD is a very effective tool to strengthen a host country’s ownership and capability for evaluating programs that include many projects supported by different donor agencies. LEAD also has the potential to encourage aid coordination among stakeholders.
05 April 2004 Creating partnerships for Capacity Building in Developing Countries :Download
Author: F. Desmond McCarthy, William Bader and Boris Pleskovic ( World Bank)
Many developing countries lag behind their developed country counterparts at mastering a combination of economic, social and political forces in a wide variety of areas. If countries are to achieve their full potential, a variety of institutional areas must continue to evolve. The record to date has been a decidedly mixed one. While there have been a number of successes, a significant share of capacity building efforts started with the best intentions and made very encouraging starts , only to falter over the longer term. Many explanations are offered, including inappropriate design, lack of donor support and poor local support.

This working paper investigates what accounts for the mixed results, and makes suggestions as to what can be done better.
05 April 2004 Participation in Monitoring and Evaluation of PRSPs :Download
Author: The Participation and Civic Engagement Group, Social Development Department, World Bank
This document provides a review of trends and approaches emerging from 21 full PRSPs.
It constitutes a preliminary stocktaking of how participation in monitoring and evaluation (PME) is envisaged in PRSP processes, and it outlines patterns and trends for the integration of PME in the design of PRSP.

The study’s main finding is that while all PRSPs mention PME as a desirable feature of the process, the level of operationalisation is still low. The primary approach to participation is instrumental, i.e. it focuses on the use of specific tools providing for stakeholder involvement on specific issues, and a lot of effort still has to be made for integrating and institutionalising PME into the PRSP process.

Four additional main findings are reported:

1) The most common instrument for poverty monitoring was participatory poverty assessments (PPAs), which were found useful not just for overall poverty monitoring but also for monitoring impact and explaining causalities.

2) At the intention level, participation in implementation monitoring is mentioned more often than participation in poverty monitoring, with citizen report cards, social audits and public expenditure tracking surveys being the main instruments stated.

3) In general there is more emphasis given to participation in the supply side of the monitoring and evaluation system, while participation in the demand side , i.e. public information, review, and joint decision making, often appears vague or neglected.

4) Multi-stakeholder participation in defining and setting up the ME system received only limited attention and is, in the positive cases, mainly approached through stakeholder committees at various decision-making levels.

The paper makes a number of recommendations on how to extend the current document-based study into a more comprehensive and empirically founded review.
05 December 2003 International Experience in Municipal Performance Measurement :Download
Author: Peter Bracegirdle: Performance Measurement Consultant
This paper was presented in October 2003 at the 3rd International Conference on Decentralisation , organised by the Centre for Local and Regional Governance at the University of the Philippines.

It presents an overview of international experience in developing and using performance measurement systems in municipal governance and management. Four areas are covered:

The rationale and objectives for municipal performance measurement systems;
The measures, methodologies and approaches used in measurement;
The use of information by municipal governments;
The lessons learned and outstanding issues.

The paper was submitted to us by Renee Giroux, Manager, Knowledge Management Unit, International Centre for Municipal Development, Canada

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